Ops Black Top

· anoduck's blog

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Operation: Black Top #

Informational Security Skillset Acquisition Round Up

These are the things for which we are driven to find out as much as we can about. It is unclear if performing such tasks is even still a possibility due to the currently arisen restraints of the times we occupy. Regardless, we must find out all that is available.

Retrieval of historical cellular device location #

The specific data desired would be location performed by trangularization of device signal strength and the specific tower it communicated with. The identity of the tower is known, but how to acquire the historical data of devices using that tower during the desired dates is completely unknown. Although the laws have changed and purchasing such information from data traders is now prohibited, the date range desired is before the prohibited law went into effect. So, the desired data has to be out there somewhere. It is just a matter of tracking down where it might be located, and how to obtain it. This project is of utmost importance.

Derivation of date time from exif free images based on the position and angle of the sun. #

This is much more obtainable than the previously mentioned topic, and work has been performed to works towards accomplishing this task. The complication arose from identification of the horizon featured in the image. As most software either expects there to be a clear depiction of the horizon such as you would see on the ocean, or facilitates algorithms that take far too long to complete processing and consume too much resources for them to be feasible. Currently several different methods are being tested to discover a more resource and time efficient means of discovering the horizon.

Efficient use and creation of effective botnets #

Distributed computation and resource volunteering has for sometime been an interest of ours. Before leaving the university we were in the process of building a beowolf cluster to perform distributed computation. Now we find ourselves once again in the need for some distributed computation, but this time of a different type.

Wicked good SEO #

Although it might seem out of place from the other topics mentioned here, SEO is just as important for information security professionals as learning how to run a portscan.

ISM Bandwave based controllers #

By this we are referring to radio based controllers that operate security appliances such as gateways, doors, lights, and automotive locks. With the recent boom in small portable radio controllers and small prototyping development boards, this exploration is currently all the rage.