Operation: Fuss Collector

· anoduck's blog

When I was eight years old I made a parabolic microphone out of a cheap plastic umbrella, some metalic spray paint, a microphone, and a recorder. Which is quite impressive when you think about it. So, now that I am all grown up, I figured it was time to revisit my first build.

Tools and Materials #


Item Description Quantity Price
Squirrel Baffle Plastic Dome 1 $15
PVC Fittings
Amplifier Kit
Foam Tape
Acrylic Sheet
Audio Extension Cable


The video used to make this kit recommended these tools for the build, but other tools can be used to produce the same result, and with a full shop at our disposal we will go with the flow.

Item Use
table vise
keyhole saw
utility knife
wire strippers
Hot Glue Gun
Soldering Iron
Pencil and Marker
Drill & Bits